Stepping stones by Ingemar Lindh, (Icarus Publishing Entreprise:
Holstebro - Malta - Wroclaw, 2010), translated to English by Benno Plassmann
and Marlene Schranz with the assistance of Magdalena Pietruska, edited and
introduced by Frank Camilleri
Stenar att gå på by Ingemar Lindh, (Gidlunds Förlag
2003), Swedish edition, translated and edited by Magdalena Pietruska and Roger
Pietre di guado by Ingemar Lindh, Italian edition (Edizione
Bandecchi & Vivaldi 1998), translated and edited by Ingemar Lindh, Paolo
Martini and Magdalena Pietruska.
The book contains texts by Ingemar Lindh, interview with Lindh by Paolo Martini
and chronology of Institutet för Scenkonst's work and history by Magdalena
Former för liv och teater. Institutet för Scenkonst och tyst kunnande, dissertation by Cecilia Lagerström (Gidlunds Förlag 2003). In Swedish.
The Missing link, (Stockholm University/ Studio B, 1996), edited and introduced by Kjerstin Norén. Texts by Ingemar Lindh, Kjerstin Norén, Efrem Mascle, Wilhelm Carlsson and Magdalena Pietruska. In Swedish.
Collective Improvisation: The Practice and Vision of Ingemar Lindh
by Frank Camilleri, TDR 52:4, 2008
To Push the Actor-Training to Its Extreme: Training Process in Ingemar Lindh's Practice of Collective Improvisation by Frank Camilleri, Contemporary Theatre Review, 18:4, 2008
and the Ethics of Improvisation in the Work of Ingemar Lindh by Frank
Camilleri, New Theatre Quarterly, 24.3, 2008
A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology second edition,
Eugenio Barba/ Nicola Savarese, 2006
Gathering Around the Word Theatre by Ingemar Lindh, Knowledge Is a Matter of Doing edited by Pentti Pavolaainen, Anu Ala-Korpela, 1995
My work on myself as a pedagogue by Magdalena Pietruska, The Open Page nr 5, 2000
Actions Consequences Resonances, University of Theatre 1989, edited by B. Stanley, 1991
Dynamikens dramaturgi - Institutet för Scenkonst 25 år
by Cecilia Lagerström, Teatertidningen nr 1, 1997
Institutet för Scenkonst - och det medvetet spontana by
Cecilia Lagerström, Svenska Teaterhändelser 1946-1996, 1996
Sex texter om Institutet för Scenkonst by Kjerstin Norèn,
Teatertidningen nr 2, 1992
Teater är skådespelarens dikt - inte författarens
by Wilhelm Carlsson, Entré nr 4, 1991
Passionens logik by Magdalena Pietruska, BUNT nr 5 1990
Skådespelarens teater? Att ta ansvar för sin konstnärliga
utveckling by Magdalena Pietruska, Entré nr 2, 1987
Pedagogiken som kunstform by Tor Arne Ursin, Spillerom
nr 2, 1986
Den svenska laboratorieteatern by Gunnar Bäck, Entré
nr 6, 1984
L'Institutet för Scenkonst di Ingemar Lindh: storia, poetica, training,
dissertation, Antonella Barberio, DAMS, 2001
L'unicità di Decroux - intervento di Ingemar Lindh del
1995, Culture teatrali nr 1 edited by Marco de Marinis, 1999
Registi pedagoghi e comunità teatrali nel Novecento by
Fabrizio Cruciani, 1995
Un maestro straniero nel teatro italiano: Ingemar Lindh, L´Istituto
di Arte Scenica di Pontremoli, dissertation, Monica Rosa, DAMS, 1994
Incontrare lo sconosciuto - intervento di Ingemar Lindh del
1994, Se all'università si sperimenta il teatro edited by Vito
Minoia, 1998
Mimo e teatro nel Novecento by Marco de Marinis, 1993
Al teatro di Pontremoli la Svezia è vicina by Antonio
Attisani, L'Illustrazione Italiana nr 49, 1987
Anatomia del teatro edited by Eugenio Barba/Nicola Savarese,
Das stumme spiel geht weiter by Christel Weiler, Theater
Heute nr 12, 1983